Friday, 26 June 2009

Time is running out.

5pm is fast approaching and I am beginning to feel the call of the wind..............well the call of the traffic on the Old Kent Road anyway.
It's been a very tiring but productive week. On Monday we had the napac AGM. On Tuesday I .................spent a lot of time in therapy! On Wednesday I visited the Body Shop Foundation in LA. (Little ampton!!) and yesterday we got confirmation that the beautiful Body Shop people would be making a substantial donation. We love them! Yesterday also saw young Helen produce our first newsletter in nearly two years. What a girl. If you are on our mailing list you will be receiving a hard copy in the post but if you are reading this then we would hope that you can let us know that we don't need to waste time, paper, postage, sweat etc because you will be able to read it on-line. It even contains some extracts from my now you know to avoid reading it.
It is the fundraising evening at Club Dudley in Dudley, West Midlands tomorrow evening and I hope it's not hot and humid driving up there. It's just that today in London. I have never visited Dudley before but apparently it has it's own castle. I shall look out for that. And if you happen to be anywhere near Club Dudley tomorrow evening (Saturday 27th June) then pay us a visit. I am always more than willing to let you buy me a pint. I am very kind like that!!
Well it's time to Lycra up and head into them hills (okay I know, I know there ain't no hills round here but I have to struggle up Cote de Loampit Hill in Lewisham on the way here in the morning then tackle the gruelling Col de Bromley on the way home). It's no fun when you are old and fat.............and let's hope that you are one day..........old I mean not fat. I'm not keen on the alternative to growing old.
Have a good one.

Friday, 19 June 2009

Sevenoaks Chronicle

Apparently we made the front page of this fine local paper yesterday. If anyone happens to hail from the Sevenoaks area please do napac a favour and get us a copy would you? Many thanks. You can also read about the child abuser case in question on the Chronicles website. It's to do with a convicted abuser being invited to perform his music in public.............not very appropriate we feel.
Have an awesome weekend and stay beautiful!

PS WE MIGHT also get a mention in the News of the World on Sunday but don't buy a copy just for that as it may not happen.

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

42 Miles

Well it was only 42 miles but with the ride to the meeting place and back it was nearly 50 miles!

Now, without further ado I want you to write this in your diary. Jayne and Pauls' gig (Secret Mission) at the Railway Hotel (pub) in Bromley. Saturday evening 22nd August. Yes I know it seems a long way off but it's coming up for summer and I don't want you to miss out so write it down and tell your friend! The Railway Hotel is not a theme pub. It is a real pub and it's opposite Bromley North overground station. So, no excuses. The live music will be amazing!!!
And also, whilst you've got the diary handy write my birthday down for next year because you forgot to send me a card. It's 27th April 2010 and it lasts all day.

Well we've sent off our lottery application. If we get it..............I am buying champagne!!

I went to the dentist today. My first filling in about 15 years and guess what? I didn't cry or scream. In fact it was only mildly uncomfortable .............and he said it was a "deep filling" (sounds like some sort of apple tart).
What a hero I must be!!! (if only)

Hope your week is going well. Friends of mine are doing the London - Brighton this weekend in aid of the British Heart Foundation. If you want to sponsor them pleasevisit

All three lads have fundraised for napac in the past and I believe one good turn deserves remember how kind I have always been to you.............and remember that my Inca Trail trip in July is another opportunity to support napac as we have set up a justgiving website for that too!

Blessings to you in abundance.

Friday, 12 June 2009

Give us £6.........please.

Send us a cheque for £6 (or more if you are feeling generous) made out to 'NAPAC' and we will send you a copy of Parallel Lives, a brilliant book of poetry that contrasts the lives of two who is abused and one who isn't. It's a clever little book that explores the emotional wreckage that perpetrators leave in their wake. It won't take you long to read but it WILL move you. Cheques please to NAPAC, 42 Curtain Road. London EC2A 3NH.

The talk at the Royal College of Physicians went down a treat. Talking of treats the lunch was fabulous. Pity I was so nervous that I couldn't eat my customary 2nd and 3rd helping. Never mind, I need to loose weight. Helps going up those hills on the bike.

The 140 doctors were a lovely bunch and extremely receptive to what I had to say about supporting survivors of abuse. Many didn't have a clue so it was great to be there and to have such an impressive platform. And I gave them all leaflets so here's hoping we get one or two donations. More importantly..and this was the message I gave..........I hope they listen and hear to what survivors tell them and think twice before reaching for that prescription pad.

On Wednesday evening I went to an amazing event at Central Hall Westminster where a chap called Tony Campolo spoke. What a guy (despite being American). He had the audience in stitches as he delivered a message about Love. He talked about poverty, the sick, the young, the elderly and animals (how we mistreat them too) and how the world has gone completely off the rails and lost sight of what we should really be about ..............and that is Love.

He also pointed out to the men in the audience how we are all winners because as a sperm we were the ones who beat off the competition of 5 million other sperms to become who we are. I had never thought of that. It was often pointed out that I was a "mistake" as a child but to realise that I was a champion race-winning sperm made me feel really good................

Have great weekend (if you are reading this on Friday or Saturday) and don't forget to send that six quid........we'll get the book in the post by return.

Stay awesome and love your neighbour.

PS Big Foot Cycling Club......Saturday morning...........opposite Big Foot Cycles in Hayes, near Bromley. Be there for 8.30am..a gentle 50 miles!!!!!

Thursday, 4 June 2009

I just received this message (scroll down)from the lovely people at Wogans Perfect Recall (Channel 4). Sadly as much as they want me back I cannot go as I've already done it! But they are clearly desperate for new punters so why not have a go? Give Sinead a call.......tell her Pete FROM NAPAC put you in touch and have a bit of fun. The general knowledge questions are easy and Terry W is a nice chap. Then if you win £50k you can take us all out for dinner.

Whilst I've got you. One of our lovely supporters pointed out I would never have time to be an MP so let's forget that .Mind, those perks do seem attractive - universal hatred by the public, ranked lower even than estate agents and bankers, expenses to clean out the swimming pool and irrigate the tennis court, second mortgages at tax payers expense. As bad as it all appears (and as Stephen Fry pointed out "who hasn't fiddled at some point in their life?" Hope our treasurer isn't reading this - as if I would!!!) it has tarnished all the MPs with the same brush and I'll tell you who I think is to blame. It was a PM who famously blocked MPs getting a decent salary for what they do because the wealthy classes have never had a problem with being Members of The Club because they could afford it. BUT, Labour should have sorted this out too which is a pity because God help us all (other than the wealthy) when the other lot get back in. And it will be distasterous for child protection..that's for sure.

But I digress. What was I talking about? Never mind. Tomorrow I am addressing an esteemed audience of health care professionals at the Royal College of Physicians. My presentation title is 'Survivors of abuse - how can health professionals help?' I've waited a long time to be asked that question by such an austere body as the Royal College.........I hope I manage to tell them.

You know, I think I am more nervous about tomorrows talk than I was about visiting the dentist this morning!

Finally, it's Euro elections today......don't forget to vote!

Stay loyal. Never give up. Vote NAPAC!!!


I hope you’re keeping well! We are currently looking for new contestants for the third series of Wogan’s Perfect Recall. Unfortunately, you cannot apply to be on the show again but since you were such a great contestant we would love to hear from your friends and family! Get them to get in touch ASAP as time is running out, by either calling directly on 0207 013 4514 or sending an email with their details including:


I hope you enjoyed watching your show or you are looking forward to it when it is aired. Don’t worry if you haven’t been contacted yet we’re just waiting on channel four to confirm dates and then we’ll be in touch.

Kind regards,
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